Voices Heard, Rights Defended
Who we are
Wide Bay Advocacy, is an independent, impartial advocacy organisation that supports the community across the Wide Bay region of Central Queensland to promote and defend the rights and interests of vulnerable individuals and groups facing challenges or barriers. The organisation is managed and staffed by concerned citizens and allies who recognise the issues that disadvantaged people in the community face and who can assist in strengthening the advocacy and capacity of local networks.
All of the advocacy work we undertake, including our events, workshops and resources, are underpinned by a theory that provides a comprehensive framework for how to help vulnerable people achieve equitable outcomes and social inclusion. The theory is called Social Role Valorisation (SRV) and can be powerful for communities to use to improve the lives of marginalised individuals and groups.
We were founded by community members, and differ from service provider organisations in that we focus on systemic advocacy to influence positive long-term social and legislative change. We aim to ensure legislation, policies and practices equitably support the rights, needs and interests of all people in the Wide Bay community.
Our systemic advocacy is conducted through:
- Bringing key issues to the attention of those in positions of power and influence in government and the community
- Responding to State and Federal government legislation, policies and practices
- Participating in advisory groups to government and community
- Undertaking joint systemic advocacy with our allies
- Attending and supporting members to participate in consultations and forums with government and community to share their lived experiences and concerns
Family members and others make contact with us to strategise and receive information around matters relating to the interests of individuals facing challenges or barriers on a confidential basis. We work to establish and maintain robust localised advocacy networks and engage thoroughly with all relevant stakeholders in the region.
Who we help
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Adults - aged 25 to under 65
Financially disadvantaged people
People at risk of homelessness/ people experiencing homelessness
People from a culturally and linguistically diverse background
People in rural/regional/remote communities
People with chronic illness (including terminal illness)
People with disabilities
Pre/post-release offenders and/or their families
Unemployed persons
Veterans and/or their families
Victims of crime (including family violence)
Victims of disaster
Servicing the Wide Bay Region in Central Queensland.